Read the latest news from ACCUO ACCUO AOUCC Bulletin – NOVEMBER 2024 – English_francais.docx
The Association of ombudspersons in higher education of Quebec (AOESQ) in partnership with l’Association des responsables de la gestion des plaintes (ARGP) will be hosting Ombudsman Day addressing “ Ombuds: Here to hear you” on October 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EDT. You...
Read the latest ACCUO news – ACCUOBulletin_AUGUST2024-ENG_FR
Members! The date of the 2024 ACCUO Annual General Meeting is November 28, 2024. Please be sure to hold the date and time (2 hours) in your calendar. Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024 Location: Zoom Time: Newfoundland Standard Time (NST): 1:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time...
Don’t miss this opportunity to network with colleagues from all levels of government, education, banking, private corporations, health care, and a variety of other organizations. This year’s conference theme is ‘Ombuds on Edge: Tackling Challenges, Evolving Practices, Enduring Principles’ and will include two and half days...
Read the latest ACCUO news – March Bulletin – ENGLISH!!
In partnership with the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons (ACCUO), the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education (ENOHE), and the International Ombuds Association (IOA), AORC is organising a webinar “SHOWCASING HIGHER EDUCATION OMBUDSMAN.” The “Showcasing Sectoral Ombudsman (Higher Education Ombudsman)R
Be sure to read this article by ENOHE member Paul Herfs. (Just click on the title to be taken to the link) article Journal of the International Ombudsman Association.Paul Herfs
The joint FCO/ACCUO Conference included two days of keynote presentations, concurrent learning sessions, a welcome reception and more. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet and interact with friends, colleagues, and peers from all levels of government, education, banking, private corporations, health care and a...
Find out what is new at ACCUO! Read the November Bulletin put together by our hardworking Communications Team.
Welcome to the following individuals who have recently become ACCUO members: Navneet Chand, Undergraduate Ombuds Intern, University of Alberta Kemi Oke, Ombudsperson, York University Teresa Placha, Ombudsperson, Algoma University Meghan Rego, Assistant Ombudsperson, McMaster University Heather Trojak, Associate Ombudsperson, Queen’s Univ
Read the November 2020 ACCUO Bulletin by clicking here
Read the September June 2020 ACCUO Bulletin by clicking here
Read the June 2020 ACCUO Bulletin by clicking here
After listening to the views of its members in support of the Statement of Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, as expressed at the ACCUO AGM meeting on June 17, 2020, the executive committee fully supports the following statement: “ACCUO stands in solidarity with the black community and...
Read the April 2020 ACCUO Bulletin by clicking here
To read the report, click here.
Synopsis Concerned about the completion rate of PhD degrees in The Netherlands, Paul Herfs invited academic ombuds3 from Canada, Germany, and the U.S.A. to consider the plight of PhD students in their respective countries. The four ombuds noticed that, while their systems are different, the...
ACCUO Bulletin February 2020
ACCUO Bulletin December 2019
ACCUO Bulletin September 2019
ACCUO Bulletin May 2019
ACCUO Bulletin March 2019
ACCUO Jan 2019 Bulletin
Carolyn Brendon, Eastern Representive of ACCUO, sent a letter to Ontario’s Premier Ford and Minster Fullerton. The letter requests the ancillary fees that support campus ombuds’ offices be deemed a mandatory fee rather than an opt-out part of the fee structure. Read the full letter...
ACCUO Bulletin November 2018 ENfinal A Q&A with Berkeley’s law school dean about protest, violence and censorship.
Pierrick Rouat, Law student from McGill University, wins the $1000.00 prize offered by our Association to an undergraduate student from a University for the quality of his text Justice for Those who can Afford it or Justice for All, he impressed us with his thoughtful and...
Daphne Shaed, a Sociology student from Camosun College, wins the $1000.00 prize offered by our Association to a college student for her essay Unity Does Not Mean Uniformity. Her authenticity touched us deeply and the quality of her writing was impressive. (On the picture) Carter McDonald,...