Persons fulfilling an Ombudsperson function as described in Section III (Constitution), at any post-secondary institution in Canada, or those interested in the ombuds profession, are eligible for membership. Voting and Associate members are required to pay an annual fee which is established at the Annual General Meeting. The membership year runs from July 1 to June 30.
Membership in ACCUO is open to:
- full or part-time ombuds practitioners working in post-secondary educational institutions (Voting Membership)
- to full or part-time ombuds practitioners affiliated with organizations which are not post-secondary educational institutions (Associate Membership)
- to anyone interested in the ombuds profession and is not working in the field currently, e.g. retired Ombudsperson, student, aspiring Ombudsperson (Associate Membership)
Classifications of Membership
- Voting members:
- meet all or most of the characteristics included in Section III (Constitution)
- work in a Canadian post-secondary educational setting
Voting members are eligible for the following: voting rights at ACCUO AGM; ability to run for executive offices, e.g. President, Treasurer, Secretary, Member at Large; participation in ACCUO list-serve; attendance at ACCUO sponsored events, e.g. mid-year meeting, annual conference, AGM, occasional workshops, mentoring relationships (if sufficient mentors are available)
- Associate Members:
- are full or part-time employees in educational institutions (post-secondary, high school or primary levels) but do not meet the definition of Ombudsperson as it described in Section III (Constitution)
- are affiliated with entities other than Canadian post-secondary educational institutions
- are interested in the ombuds profession but are not currently practicing in the field
Associate members are eligible for the following: attendance at ACCUO annual conference, occasional workshops, consultation with ACCUO executive committee members on issues related to ombuds practice within post-secondary educational institutions; mentoring relationships (if sufficient mentors available)
- Voting members:
- Institutional Members:
- An office providing Ombudsperson services in a post-secondary educational institutions in accordance with the characteristics included in Section III (Constitution), may apply for institutional membership.
- Institutional Members:
This membership will carry the same benefits and rights as Voting members, but will be limited to one vote.
- Honourary Members:
- recipients of the ACCUO Distinguished Service Award