Member Recognition Awards

Member Recognition Awards – 2023

Recognizing the outstanding contributions and accomplishments of members in our ACCUO community is an important way to express gratitude for the difference they have made, for the benefit of all of us, and for advancing the Ombudsperson practice in general. The ACCUO Recognition Awards presents a forum for us to do this, meaningfully.

You are hereby encouraged to nominate an individual who has, or group of individuals who have, made contributions that deserves recognition. You can submit a nomination for any, or all, of the recognition awards available, namely:

  • Distinguished Service Award (DSA)
  • Special Contribution Award
  • Recognition Certificate

Click here for the ACCUO_MemberRecognitionAwardsNominationForm_2023 (PDF)

Please submit your nomination forms to


Nomination(s) must be received no later than midnight (EDT) on Thursday, May 4, 2023. Do not miss the opportunity to submit a nomination to express gratitude to that person (or people) who made a difference and ought to be recognized.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

**Please see Award Criteria below:

1. The Distinguished Service Award

This is ACCUO’s most prestigious award.

The distinguished service award (DSA): awarded from time to time to recognize “an individual who has, or a group of individuals who have made, an extraordinary contribution to the development, support and/or furtherance of Ombudsmanship in higher education.

Since its creation, the DSA is presented to those who have made outstanding contributions to ACCUO’s development and to the development of the ombuds function through their individual practice, leadership roles within both ACCUO and other ombuds organizations and the Ombuds profession as a whole.


The individual (or group of individuals):

(i) shall have contributed above average time, effort or energy to ACCUO, and/or other Ombuds Association and their activities (including association executive and/or committees);

(ii) shall have demonstrated support for ACCUO and its goals;

(iii) shall have presented or facilitated a discussion on an Ombudsing issue at an ACCUO or other Ombuds Association meeting or conference;

(iv) shall have fostered significant change at their institution and is considered a model Ombuds at other universities or colleges;

(v) is a long-time member (typically a minimum of 10 years) of ACCUO;

(vi) shall have exceptional contribution and service on both ACCUO Executive and committees; and

(vii) is well recognized as a leader and mentor in Ombuds higher education at institutional and regional level.


Nominations must be received in writing and signed by two nominators. It is essential that detailed support for all relevant criteria be supplied by the nominators for the candidate to be considered. Selection will be made by the Association Executive.


The presentation will be made at the Association’s Conference or other appropriate occasion agreed upon by the Association Executive. Traditionally, the DSA gift has been a gold pin embossed with the portrait of Lars Mannerheim, first parliamentary ombudsman in Sweden in 1809.

2. Special Contribution Award

This award recognizes outstanding contribution or service to ombudsing in higher education and exceptional volunteerism or service to ACCUO.


The individual:

(i) shall have contributed above average time, effort or energy to ACCUO and its activities (including Association Executive and/or committees);

(ii) shall have demonstrated support for ACCUO and its goals;

(iii) shall have presented or facilitated a discussion on an Ombudsing issue at an ACCUO meeting or conference;

(iv) through their work, fostered (a) significant change(s) — at their institution;

(v) is a long-time member (typically a minimum of 5 years) of ACCUO; and

(vi) shall have outstanding contribution and service on both ACCUO Executive and committees.


Selection will be made by the Association Executive upon either conclusion of an individual’s career in higher education ombudsing or after significant years of service.


The presentation will be made at the Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) or other appropriate occasion agreed upon by the Association Executive.

3. Recognition Certificate

Recognition certificates are distributed at the AGM of ACCUO to members for work completed for the association during the year, including serving on the conference planning committee, serving on ACCUO Executive, or other committee.